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Wardrobe Protection Guide

Wardrobe Protection Guide

It may be common knowledge that Clothes Moth larvae can be incredibly destructive but not everyone knows how to best protect wardrobes and clothing. Here is a guide to protecting your cherished clothes and stored fabrics and the best products for this.

Following an insecticidal treatment for the eradication of Clothes Moths, storing clothing and fabrics with a high Keratin content in Pest Expert Moth Proof Garment Bags minimises chances of re-infestation and protects fabrics and garments. They work on multiple principles; firstly the garment bags are transfused with natural yet powerful moth repellent which deters moths and their larvae from infesting and damaging prised fabrics. Additionally, being scented with lavender is another barrier for Clothes Moths which discourages them from infesting clothing and other fabrics. As garments stored in these bags are totally isolated, Clothes Moths and their larvae will have no way to access such garments preventing infestation and protecting fabrics.

When preventing Clothes Moth infestations in wardrobes there are other products worth consideration. Pest Expert Clothes Moth Killer Cassettes are a fantastic new-to-market solution to the problem of Clothes Moths in wardrobes. They work on the principal of filling the volume of the wardrobe up with Transfluthrin, which kills the entire Clothes Moth life-cycle. In addition, they are active and effective for a 6 month period, safeguarding the wardrobe and clothing without the need for constant attention. The innovative design allows for the unit to hang off the clothes rail with a hook, improving coverage and protecting garments. In the same way the Pest Expert Moth Killer Cassettes protect clothes and fabrics in wardrobes, Pest Expert Moth Killer Papers prevent Clothes Moth infestations arising in drawers and other enclosed spaces. Unlike the cassettes the papers can be cut down to size and stored in drawers or storage boxes but work on the same principal in they fill an enclosed space with Transfluthrin which kills all stages of the Clothes Moth life-cycle.

Finally Demi-Diamond Moth Traps are a fantastic product to have in your arsenal. They work on two principles; firstly, they are ideal for detecting, trapping and monitoring moth infestations following the initial treatment but also they will hinder the breeding cycle of moths. The slow-release pheromone will attract adult male moths to the trap they will then be caught on the extra sticky adhesive. This means they will not be able to fertilise the females and therefore disrupting the breeding cycle. This gives the user a clear indication the extent of the infestation, whether insecticidal treatments have worked and if eradication has been achieved.

All products outlined in this guide will vastly help to protect wardrobes, drawers and their contents. They should not be relied upon to achieve total eradication of the full infestation as other areas of the property may be harbouring the life-cycle where these products will not reach. For these areas look towards the Pest Expert Moth Treatment Kits.